Shiro, a 12-storey building in Cape Town, is officially the world’s tallest building constructed with hempcrete blocks and other hemp-related building materials. It will house street-level shops and restaurants, with the upper levels consisting of 50 short-stay apartments and co-working spaces for working nomads.

The architectural concept is based on the old Japanese philosophy of Mottainai, which embraces the idea of respecting resources and their value, while also reducing waste. In its simplest form it means to be less wasteful.

The brand identity reflects this philosophy of sustainability, balance and simplicity, stripping away all unnecessary waste and clutter. The logo and design language is subtly influenced by Japanese design, with text stacked vertically to reflect the building itself.

Two additional developments will complete the vision of three interconnected buildings, named Shiro I, Shiro II and Shiro III.

I designed this project during my tenure at HaasXSwitch.


